#EcomChat London & Manchester Summer Parties
Greetings! You are here because either:
- A) You are interested in ecommerce in some way.
- B) You are interested in meeting other humans for ONE evening this year. (perhaps two if you are extremely bold)
- C) Ideal world scenario: Both ‘A’ and ‘B’.
THAT IS RIGHT, DEAREST PALS. The #EcomChat summer meetup details are here. As ever, all are welcome. Snacks will be free; you will have to pay for your own drinks (unless some kind & generous people decide to sponsor the bars).
- London: 11th August 2016, 6pm at “Sir Christopher Hatton Pub” 4 Leather Lane, EC1N 7RA
- Manchester: 29th September 2016, 6pm. at “Duttons” 2-10 Albert Square, Manchester M2 6LW
Come along to either. Come along to both. Tell your friends. Tip off your nan. The signup form is here:
Top Secret #EcomChat Party Signup Link DO NOT CLICK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (do click)
Any/all questions, direct to @danbarker or @jamesgurd on Twitter.
We look forward to seeing you. Do tell your friends.
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