This Week’s Topic – Ecommerce Sites & Social Media – Monday 4th March 2013

March 1, 2013

This Monday’s #EcomChat (4th March 2013) will be back in the regular slot of 13.00 UK time (blame James for the upheaval, he’s been swanning off on Client projects in recent weeks).

This week we’re dropping into the fast-moving and nefarious world of social media, quite apt given the medium for this chat, a topic that has more experts that a Government Enquiry.  The topic we’ve chosen is “Ecommerce Sites and Social Media”, looking at how social fits in the overall ecommerce picture.

We appreciate this social media has many, many facets and it would be impossible to cover everything in one hit, so we fully expect (and hope) there to be break-out chats in the future to focus in on key themes that we all want to discuss further.

The three loose, conversation-starter questions will be:

  1. Is ‘social media’ an essential focus for ecommerce sites or a big red herring?
  2. How can smaller ecommerce sites use social media to assist their growth?
  3. What should the main priorities for larger ecommerce organisations be around social media?

Do join in if you’re free at 1pm UK on Monday (08:00 Eastern US), or simply follow the #ecomchat hashtag on Twitter. If you’re wondering “what is this all about?” there is an “about” page to help.


James & Dan.

Tags: social media,

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