Pricing & Offers

September 13, 2021

EcomChat on Monday 13h September 2021 is on the spine tinglingly tempting topic of Pricing & Offers.

Price is a key pillar of the original 4Ps model and it’s essential for any business that sells something. The power of free and lowest price wins are mantras you often hear thrown around but pricing isn’t always so straight forward. What works for one business might not for another and not all businesses are born equal in terms of their financial ability to fund discounts and offers.

So we’re going to explore what good pricing looks like for an ecommerce business, sharing advice and tactics to help you fine tune your own approach.

  1. What are sensible pricing strategies for ecommerce & how do they work?
  2. How can you run effective offers whilst also protecting margin?
  3. Are there any myths when it comes to ecommerce pricing?

Do join us on Twitter using the #ecomchat hashtag.

@danbarker & @jamesgurd

p.s. If you have not taken part in #ecomchat before, there is info here:

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